Latest games in my collection

     Well some how I'v managed to get a few new games in the last month or so, so I thought I would do a quick post about them.
 The first, and one that I have been waiting for sometime is Elemental, its a cross between Civ and a PRG. It had a bit of a rocky lunch with a few problems and bugs, but they have just released patch 1.08 which seems to have solved all my problems with it, so now I can put in some time on it now!
 The second game I got was Worms Reloaded, this one is so Samuel can play, but I loved Worms Armageddon which was 10 years ago!
 And the last is Future Wars, a turn base game, again I thought Samuel might like to play as its a slow game of "i have more tanks then you".


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